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Friday, October 15

My Surgery on Wednsay.

So today (Friday October 15th) I went to Oakland to take tests and to make sure that everything was set for my massive surgery on Wednesday. This is somewhat worrisome, not just because it’s a potentially ten hours long, but if anything goes wrong then I’m shit out of luck; do not pass go, do not collect $200.

So I thought I would explain to everyone what was going to happen in this operation.  So the majority of the operation is going to take place on the left half of my body. So I should be knocked out by eight in the morning. When they start what they have to do.

So I can’t say I know the order of what they have to do. The doctors are going to cut open my neck and take out the lymph nodes. They’re going to check them to see how advanced the cancer on them are.  They are then going to give me a tracheotomy. That’s where they poke a hole in my neck and put what is essentially a plastic straw in for me to breathe through.

The tongue is going to be a tad more complicated. So they are cut back and peel the skin and lips from the jaw. They’re going to pull out one or two of my bottom front teeth. They will then crack the jaw into two pieces so it will swing open and allow unfettered accesses to my tongue.

With the ease of reaching my tongue they will then go and cut out all the cancer. This is really important, if they miss just one cancer cell then the whole operation is for not. So after cutting approximately half my tongue what happens is somewhat up in the air. If can dental surgeon can make it he (or she) will come in and remove my wisdom teeth (which are very impacted). I the dental surgeon is not available then the two ENT surgeons will continue fixing my tongue by cutting some tissue off of my left wrist to replace the missing tongue. Then they will replace the wrist tissue with thigh tissue.

So that is my Wednesday in a nutshell.


  1. Best wishes for a safe and smooth surgery. If you need funny websites to get you through recovery tell me. Being at law school has amounted to me discovering tons of distracting websites. Stay positive and good luck!

  2. Good luck Noah, we are always thinking to you.
    Go, fight, kill them all and win. You can do it.
    A big embrace from Venice
